Friday, February 25, 2011

When I grow up...

...I want to be a _____________(fill in the blank)

Can you remember what your 'blank' was?

Wednesday was 'professional day' at the pre-school attended by some of my favorite little peanuts. The Very Lovely Little Miss Sunshine was transformed into a the smallest 'Bou-rister equipped with antlers, an apron and 'magic drink choosing armband!' I mean honestly, does it get any cuter than this?


I hear Professional Day is a big deal at pre-school and as well it should be! All of that unbridled enthusiasm to 'be all you can be' and 'everything you ever wanted' is an intoxicating and heady mix for pre-schoolers and their parents alike.

So where do all the 'blanks' and all that enthusiasm go?

For me my 'blanks' changed over time, when I was little I wanted to be a police woman (my next door neighbor was a policeman) then I wanted to be a flight attendant (no idea) and then a fashion designer which actually stayed with me for most of my teenage years resulting in a few years at the London College of Fashion which firmly established my career path as...a hotelier & organizational development specialist - yep, that's exactly how it happened!

I'm always curious to hear the stories of how people got to where they are today, and whether it was intentional or happened more circuitously as was the case with me. But even more interesting to me is how they feel about where they are today, do they love it, hate it or are somewhere in between; and if they are in a place other than 'loving it' what's gotta give for change to happen?

Call me old fashioned, naive, stupid or whatever your choose, but I don't think it's unrealistic to LOVE our work, and to be able to show the same unbridled enthusiasm as The Lovely Little Miss Sunshine and her classmates did at their pre-school professional day. No, it's not unrealistic but it does take courage.

Courage to say NO to mediocre at best and terrible at worst

Courage to say NO to perhaps a third of my life lived in neutral

Courage to say YES to exploration, hard work and discernment

Courage to say YES to not knowing the answer but being determined to find out

And finally courage to say YES to what's better for me and those I love

Are YOU grown up enough to be all you can be and everything you ever wanted, a ___________? (fill in your blank)

Have a GREAT weekend.


  1. I always sort of regretted ended up not having done certain things in my life (like finish college), but have really come to a place of acceptance (and being content and full of joy as a result!) that God has led me down a very specific path to become a servant of His will. Loving your blog, lovely lady! :-) xoxo

  2. What a GREAT spot to be in Carina! Isn't it amazing when we realize that God has created our very own development plan to lead us into his will - Woooo Hoooo!
    Thanks for the you know, YOU were my inspiration :-)
