Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Bunny @ Work!

Once upon a time, in a land far far away from here, there lived the President of a huge company with branches across the globe. The President spent much of his time traveling around the world attending big and important events and meeting lots of interesting people. Every year The President would attend The Biggest Meeting where he would make speeches and everyone from near and far would gather to hear the glad tidings of great joy. One year at such an event The President made a big speech wearing a bunny costume. The speech went very well, people laughed and clapped and listened.

And when it was over the bunny costume sat in a closet, lonely and unloved.

Until one day when The President was doing his annual spring clean and decided the bunny costume had to go, but it would be sad to throw it away; so The President looked near and far across all the world to find a suitable home for the bunny costume...AND HE CHOSE ME!!

Of course I was a good candidate having worn a vast array of bunny ears and other festive headbands for many years, often whilst facilitating important meetings that The President had attended, but Oh The JOY! My very own Easter Bunny costume :-)

Now, many years later I still LOVE to wear my bunny costume, typically it gets its airing at Easter and in all kinds of weather The Easter Bunny is a hit with everyone...

Easter Bunny with Carrie Bou (she loves chocolate eggs with a little caffeinated kick!)
Easter Bunny with Little Miss A (she LOVES pink chocolate eggs!)

Easter Bunny with her BFF@W Barrrrrb Bunny

Being the Easter Bunny is SUCH a treat - especially if you have a basket of the finest Cadburys chocolate eggs with you! People's faces just light up, they say all kinds of funny things and actually smile real smiles. It's AMAZING to me how much Joy you can spread in a bunny costume!

I LOVE being the Easter Bunny. I LOVE being the Easter Bunny at Work, at Target, at Restaurants (Yeah Jen & Miss A!), at the Pub (lovely to see you Pimp and Rocket!) it's ALL good :-)

And finally I know the question you are longing to ask... If the devil wears Prada what kind of shoes does the Easter Bunny wear???
...she wears Asics!

Happy Easter Y'all

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