Thursday, March 24, 2011

Assassins of Joy: UNDER-GIVING

Morning Chaps!

Today let's start with a word of wisdom from an extraordinary 14 year old... 

"No one has ever become poor by giving."
Anne Frank
What amazing insight.

Have you ever noticed how good you feel when you give? whether it's time, money, attention, love, care, whatever currency we choose the internal rate of return is enormous, it's almost as though there is a unique dividend we can only earn from giving generously, nothing else quite matches up to the joy of giving - this might be why Christmas is such a great time of year.

Often when we think about giving we limit our thoughts to money, and indeed many of us are fortunate enough to be able to share financially, but that's not the only way to give. Everything we have ownership and accountability for is something we could give away; we could use it to bless others and bring joy.

Today's society often stresses security in favor of giving, that we must save, set-aside, protect and insulate, and I believe those things are all somewhat important. But even after we've made adequate provision for the future I bet we still have plenty left over that we could share with others.

The Bible tells us that "God loves a cheerful giver" and something about this makes me smile, because from what I've seen of people who are serious about giving, the more they give the more joyful they are; miserable folks tend to not give much and burn themselves out in no time at all!

So as an easy remedy for a lack of joy I suggest a quick dose of giving. To sustain joy over time give regularly and to experience tremendous joy become a tremendous giver! I mean, what's the worse that could happen - the creator and sustainer of the universe would fail to provide for you whilst you provide for others? No, Anne Frank didn't think so and neither do I.

Lets go give and be cheerful!

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